Saturday, March 10, 2012

Finally, something is going our way....

I knew it would only be a matter of time.  I mean, you can't have all crappy luck, and never any good luck, right? Plus, Mark has claimed on more than one occasion to have a horseshoe up his @&& with life, so I knew any minute now things would perk up from the excavation disaster.   And, has.  The weather has been absolutely perfect for building!!! 

We've had such a crazy mild winter!  I mean really crazy....the boys haven't had a snow day or even a delay in school this winter. I think it's actually only snowed once...maybe twice since December.  And, I don't know that I'd even call it was more like flurries that melted before they hit the ground. 

So with this beautiful weather comes framing, lots of framing...and no lost time on the house.  Woohoo!!!!

Here's the start of the floor deck....


And initial framing this past week....

Master bath on the far right, front entrance and dining room in the middle, and mudroom on the left:

The boys knocking at the front door....

Here's the back family room wall.  As you walk into the house from the main foyer, you pass the dining room on the left, the stairs, and then enter straight into the family room.  Here you can see the fireplace with windows on either side. There will be wainscoting all around the room and wood beams on the ceiling.  And, the fireplace will have a stone surround with a big thick wood mantel I have yet to pick out. What I love about the fireplace is that it's actually a see thru indoor/outdoor fireplace that will be shared with the screened porch.  I can't wait for a beautiful summer night to have a drink and just relax on the screen porch with the fireplace burning. Okay, so maybe that won't actually happen until the boys are out of the house, but at least it gives me something to look forward to.  (just ignore the wood post running diagonal on the right!)

Here's a shot of the back kitchen wall.  At the very back of the kitchen, there's a little sitting area with a gas stove fireplace right next to this door and window....

The next few pics are especially for my college roommate, Beth.  Also know that my camera was completely jacked today for some unknown reason, so I didn't get the greatest shots. Oh, it's always the camera, never the photographer.....

Our neighbor was actually built in 1780 (the house is to-die-for) and there are several older buildings on the property including the ones below.  I don't know what it is about these little buildings, but I just love them.  And, my goal was to get this view.....

Out of this set of windows....(kitchen banquette area)....


So, I went in this morning and took a shot of what my view will actually be from the kitchen banquette area windows.  Because of all the construction, I couldn't stand at the correct angle to get the real view....

But, I think it turned out pretty darn idea how I pulled that one off....but I did...and, I'm so happy about it!

So, here's where we are at my "same spot"...or at least close to my same spot, they moved some dirt around and I think my photo buddy either got moved or covered up....

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